I'm proud to be a Filipino, God has blessed our country with all the natural riches that is beyond magnificent. I'm asking every blogger out there to help us vote for Tubbataha Reef for the New 7 Wonders of Nature. Voting for nominees will continue through 31.12.08. A New7Wonders Panel of Experts will then select the 21 finalists, from which voters worldwide will elect the New 7 Wonders of Nature.
According to the Lonely Planet guide, Tubbataha offers ‘some of the best diving you are ever likely to some across anywhere in the world’. The dive season is dependant on the weather and usually runs from March until June. This time of year usually gives outstanding diving conditions – clear skies, flat seas and excellent visibility (around 30 to 45 meters).
Vote for Tubbataha Reef for New7Wonders of the World
5:36 PM | new 7 wonders, tubbataha reef with 0 comments »I posted a month ago about General Marketing Blog's contest where you can win a Video iPod or a WP Revolution Theme. Well, I didn't won an iPod or a Revolution Theme but I get to win 20 Wiki Pages, 125×125 Banner Ad on Webhitsrus.com and 250 Entrecard credits. Not bad, considering it's the first actual contest I've joined since I started blogging. :) Here are the complete results
Now, I'm looking for a contest that would sponsor a free domain name registration and a year's worth of web hosting for my new blog that is still in the works. If you know a contest with those prizes, please inform me about it.
The Biggest Contest in the Blogosphere Over $11,000.00 of Prizes
7:18 PM | blog contest, win ipod, win wp theme with 0 comments »David Hobson of General Marketing Blog is sponsoring a huge contest and you can win one of the several prizes including a Video iPod or a WP Revolution Theme. The total value of all prizes is estimated over $11,000.00. This is going to be one of the biggest contests in the Blogosphere and I'm donating 1 - 125 X 125 free banner ad for 1 month and 500 Entrecard Credits as a giveaway.
To join in this contest, check out the different ways you can enter below and what points value they will earn you.
1) Blog about this contest (50 entries)
2) Include a link to all sponsors in the blog post (25 entries) (copy & paste the list below)
3) Purchase any banner advertisement on our blog (25 entries)
4) Subscribe to RSS via email or reader (20 entries)
5) Leave a comment on this blog post (1 entry)
1 x Featured submission @ nobledirectory.com
1 x Regular submission @ nobledirectory.com
Mr Javo Dot Com
1 x Text Link for 1 month
2 Yrs subscription to Gostats Pro
Internet Marketing Blog
1 x 125×125 banner ad for 1 month
Pro Blogging
1 x 125×125 banner ad for 1 month
1 x 250×250 banner ad for 1 month
Work At Home
100 Entrecard credits
2000 hits from webhitsrus.com
1 x 125×125 banner ad on sunegrl72.blogspot.com
Making Money From Gaming
500 Entrecard credits
3 x Featured submissions @ blogoxide.com
5 x Regular submissions @ blogoxide.com
The Profit Hustler
1 x 125×125 banner ad for 1 month
500 Wiki pages valued at $20 each
500 Entrecard credits
DVD of chromatic harmonica videos
Money Making Student
750 Entrecard credits
1 x 125×125 banner ad for 1 month
1000 Entrecard Credits
One Stop Shopping
500 Entrecard credits
500 Entrecard credits
EYE EARN Marketing
200 Entrecard credits
Rumbling Lankan
Pr3 Blog Review
Million Dollar Portfolio
$25 Visa gift card
Wayne Liew Dot Com
700 Entrecard credits
My Blog Contest
1000 Entrecard credits
1 x 468×60 banner ad for 1 month
1 x 125×125 banner ad for 1 month
500 Entrecard credtis
My PPC Advertising
200 Entrecard credits
5 x Txt links for 1 month
Making Myself Extra Money
500 Entrecard credits
Ez Money Online
500 Entrecard Credits
500 Entrecard credits
1 x Txt link for 1 month
Scribble & Words
1 x 125×125 banner ad for 1 month
500 Entrecard credits
Charismaborn's Blah, Blog, Bucks
1 - 125X125 banner ad for 1 month
500 Entrecard credits
All prizes will be shared out amongst the 50 winners with the most prizes going to the winner and so on.
Good luck to all that enter.
If you enjoyed reading this post, please subscribe to my feed.
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You Need the Power of Hustle
5:04 AM | inspirational story, power of hustle, success story with 0 comments »I know I had to type this article from Bo Sanchez, publisher and editor-in-chief of a catholic inspirational magazine called Kerygma distributed here in the Philippines, so I could share this inspiring article to you.
You Need The Power of Hustle
THERE ARE OVER 7.5 millionaires in America today. Around 20% of those millionaires are high school graduates only. There are 222 billionaires in America, and a full 10% are college dropouts. Why am I mentioning these facts?
Because I hear a lot of people say, "I'll never make it in life. I don't have a college degree." Go tell that to Bill Gates, the richest man in the world. Because he never finished college, too. Time and time again, I've heard Filipinos say, "I didn't graduate from Ateneo, La Salle and UP. I don't stand a chance." Really? Let me guys give you a few other facts.
Henry Sy, owner of SM and the 14th richest man in Southeast Asia, finished at Far Eastern University. Lucio Tan, the richest industrialist in the Philippines with a net worth of $1.5 billion, also studied at FEU but couldn't even finish because he had to get a job in a tobacco factory. Billionaire John Gokongwei, head of JG Summit, the largest conglomerate in the Philippines, had to quit the University of San Carlos in Cebu because, in his words, he had to be a "bodegero, warehouseman, cashier and collector" in their small family business.
Where are the guys who graduated from Ateneo, La Salle and UP? I'll tell you where: They've got good jobs, working for these guys. I'm not saying education isn't important. It's very important. But if you want to succeed in life (or in any area of it) – education isn't enough. You need something else.
I call it the Power of Hustle. Hustle can mean something bad. In today's jargon, when you say, "He's a Hustler," that means he's a cheat. I'm not using that definition here. I'm using that word the way they use it in basketball. When the coach shouts, "Hustle boys!" he's telling them to run, think on their feet, be aggressive. To hustle means to believe that there's a solution to almost any problem – and taking it upon yourself to find it.
I've seen the Power of Hustle in the most successful human beings in the world. They know what they want. They take responsibility. They keep on moving. And they never take "no" for an answer. Mother Teresa had it. Sam Walton of Wal-Mart had it. Remember Douglas MacArthur? He applied at West Point, was rejected, applied again, was rejected a second time, and applied for the third time! That's what you call hustle. In time, he became on of the greatest generals of WWII.
Have you ever read Chicken Soup for the Soul by Jack Canfield and Mark Hanson? After writing the book, no one wanted to publish it. The author approached 33 publishers in New York and 90 publishers in California – and every single publisher rejected them. Again, they hustled and never gave up. Finally, a small publisher accepted their book. It went on to sell 53 million copies. Friend, hustle!
Now, I'm no college dropout, I finished college with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science but I ended up being a Graphic Designer/Layout Artist where my weapon of choice is my Apple iMac, Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and FreeHand. Designing is my first love, the sight of my client's faces lighting up when I present to them my work is a fulfilling reward for me more than the money they pay for my service. Although, I wasn't able to use my chosen college major, I don't have any regrets because I was able to finish a college degree like my parents wanted. I know education is necessary but it's not enough to get you the things you want in life. Ask Steve Jobs and Kanye West about it. Lol. Read the rest of the entry
The Truth is Out. You Can Make $5000 a Month by Blogging
8:35 PM | blogging revenue, earn online, home based business, monetizing, paid to blog with 1 comments »5000 dollars a month? "Get the F*** outta here! That's bullshit!", was my first impression when I unintentionally saw an ad months ago about internet marketing through blogging. I thought this was just another scheme of making you sign up with offers where you enter your credit card digits and these bogus companies with highly skilled hackers hack your credit card account to selfishly purchase stuff from E-Bay for their personal use while they laugh infront of their PC's imagining how much of a dumbass you are. LOL. That was before, until I did a research about online money making where I discovered a huge potential on making real money online.
How Many Germs Live in Your Keyboard?
5:22 PM | apple imac, dirty workstation, germ count with 0 comments »They say there are more germs on your keyboard than toilet seats. Your desk or work station is capable of supporting 10 million microbes according to research. Work stations contain nearly 400 times as many microbes than lavatories. By contrast, the average toilet seat contains 49 microbes per square inch. According to the quiz I took at www.justsayhi.com there are 2,067,240 germs living in my keyboard. I doubt it because I'm using an iMac, my keyboard is covered with plastic casing (I know it's corny :p the attached photo is my iMac). I'd rather have it covered with plastic than using a PC whose keyboards are susceptible to more germs because there are little openings between the keys where dust, coffee spill, biscuit crumbs and what-have-you's can penetrate thru the openings and develop bacteria. My best advice is to wash your hands regularly with anti-bacterial soap and wiping the surface of your desk with a clean tissue damped with a little alcohol so as to minimize the risk of colds and flu.
2,067,240How Many Germs Live On Your Keyboard?
Entrecard: A Blogger's Essential Tool for Free Advertising
11:39 PM | blogging tool, entrecard, free advertising, free hits, free traffic with 1 comments »What is an Entrecard? Entrecard is your business card 2.0. It's a 125x125 image which represents you and your blog. Its part advertisement, part business card. It comes with a widget you place on your blog, so that others can leave their Entrecard for you. You can also use Entrecard to promote your blog and launch free advertising campaigns. Some people say its the new business card. Some people call it an advertising network. One thing is clear, Entrecard is a blossoming social network of bloggers centered around the concept of community, sharing, and helping each other out. We believe that Entrecard is one of the best ways to promote your blog.
Based on my research Entrecard was developed 3 months ago by Graham Langdon. The idea of fish-bowls in restaurants where you drop off your business card to win a free lunch was his inspiration but instead of printed business cards you drop off digital business card on blogs with an Entrecared Widget to earn some reward. The reward, if your an active card dropper is "EC" or Entrecard Credits which you can use to advertise on other blogs with Entrecard Widgets in them. The most valuable reward you get from this whole process is free advertising for your blog. The best things in life still comes for free. :) Ever since I joined Entrecard almost 90% of my hits came from Entrecard users. I tried joining Traffic Digger and Traffic Zap and I doubt they were bringing in traffic to my blog the way Entrecard does. So props to Graham for bringing Entrecard to the blogosphere. Oh, and one more thing, Entrecard gets highly addictive once you get the hang of it. :)
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